Why I started blogging?

Hip hip hurray! Here comes my first crack at blogging under this brand new, mischievous domain. After I had finally chosen the right tem...

Hip hip hurray! Here comes my first crack at blogging under this brand new, mischievous domain. After I had finally chosen the right template and had finished it's editing (HTML it's such a poetic language...), I started to wonder what my first entry should be about. I had far more than one idea and picking the best option took me some time. Eventually I entered philosophical mode and decided to find the answear for seemingly simple, yet deep question...
Why the hell I even bother to press those letter buttons? 

I just enjoy writing
As pure and simple motivation as it can be. It might be an introvert thing, but I find writing to be easier and more natural than speaking. It's funny how my below-Groot-level conversation skills looks like next to my via-hand-talk.

I need to produce non-fiction pieces for a change
I love my characters, but dedicating my entire penning time to them and only them it's far too much for my fragile nerves. Sometimes my keyboard really wants to be used for something different. Like an album review, for example.

I wanted to improve my foreign language skills
I don't have much occasions to upgrade my practical English. Yes, I have some non-Polish friends, but usual texting to one another via Facebook or Skype won't give you that rush to expand vocabulary. 

I have quite legit music knowledge and I wanted place to share it
I'm also very humble person (ironic little laugh comes here). Now let's be serious - music is my big passion and like writing about it. Beware of underrated artists and playlists spamming

I had to get more social
Inner urge to promote posts (because people don't blog for themselves and their drawers alone, that's what traditional, "offline" diaries were made for) is very good catalyser for human-to-human interaction. Even hermits like me need it sometimes. 

I want to freeze my "at this moment" self in time
Like time capluse, but less underground. It will be cool to dug up my old entries in the future and remind myself what I liked, what was on my head and who I was in general. I may not remember those things in my senior years. 
It can turn into good self-promotion tool
Because after finishing, publishing and eventually translating my novels into English, I would like to have readers. Who knows, maybe stranger who stumbled upon here by accident will become one someday?

10 komentarze

  1. I agree with a love of writing and "freezing" myself in time - those are the primary reasons I started blogging!

  2. Good luck with your novels and writing.

  3. Love this Blog! Keep going!

  4. Great points! The primary reason I started blogging (www.ideascameraaction.com) was to learn & teach others what I've learned. I hope that blogging will provide an outlet for me to practice my writing style while also providing my audience with some awesome info. :)

  5. I can identify with you. I also started blogging because I enjoy writing, and then I started blogging in english to improve my writing in this language (my second language). Most important of all, I started blogging because I want to get a message out there.

  6. My motto of live has been more to give than to take. Blogging and inspiring people makes me happy and satisfied!!

  7. Good luck. I personally started writing because people tend to not take me seriously whenever I talk about politics. I guess it's in my demeanor or something. Based on the comments I've been getting, blogging about the real world can definitely be a great way of getting points across. Once again, good luck!

  8. I started blogging because I enjoyed a way to express myself freely. There is no holding you back. I agree that it feels good when you can get feedback.

  9. I started because it gives me happiness.showing my talent about my cooking and writing is the biggest pleasure in the world :) I am with you.!

  10. I am glad you didn't just cover 1 or 2 reasons. I agree with you on the fiction and non-fiction thing. I find switching is advantageous.

    BTW, I really like the clean bold look of your blog.
